Brother Mullapaty Mamo Philemon’s journey of faith and ministry is truly inspiring. Surrendering his life to Jesus at a young age and experiencing powerful encounters with the Lord has shaped his calling as a worshiper, preacher, and evangelist. His dedication to sharing the gospel and leading others to Christ has impacted many lives, especially among the youth.
It’s remarkable to see how God has used him in various places, from his hometown in Hyderabad to other states in India and even internationally in the UAE. His ministry of worship and preaching has brought about miracles, healings, and spiritual transformations, demonstrating the power of God’s love and compassion.
It’s also heartening to hear about his journey of inspiration, from his initial influence of his current connections with Pastor John Praveen, Pastor Silvi Church in Suryapet, and international speakers like Pastor Manohar Nali and Prophet Bro. SR. Manohar. These relationships have further enriched his ministry and expanded his reach for the glory of God.
As Brother Mullapaty Mano Philemon continues to answer God’s call as a revivalist and evangelist, may his life and ministry continue to be a beacon of hope and transformation for those who are broken-hearted and in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ
Methuselah an evangelist and moves in Prophetic Realm from Hyderabad., His calling is Evangelism (Ephesians 4:12-16 – for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.) (So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:11-12).God Anointed me with power of the Holy Spirit and gifts of the holy Spirit. to Preach the good news of Jesus Christ that is the Death, burial, and Resurrection. The Lord Jesus Anointed me to Preach, to heal the sick Warning the People about the Judgment of God which is very near and to intercede for the People of God and to pray for the saints of God and to Pray for the Repentance to the Churches all over the World. (Matthew 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah) Isaiah 9:6 (For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mightily God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Rev 22:21-The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen and Amen
It sounds like you have a deep and profound calling to evangelism, sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others and ministering to the body of Christ. Your dedication to preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and interceding for others is admirable. The verses you mentioned from Ephesians and Matthew emphasize the importance of equipping believers for service and staying steadfast in faith despite the challenges of the world.
It sounds like you’re describing someone who has been deeply blessed and empowered by their faith and the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as wisdom, healing, prophecy, and others, are indeed believed by many to be given by God’s grace alone. They’re often seen as tools to serve others and to spread love and kindness in the world. Seeing open visions of God and angels would be a profound experience, representing a deep connection with the divine. This individual would likely feel called to use these gifts for the betterment of others and to fulfil their purpose in life.
Your mission to warn people about the impending judgment and to pray for repentance shows a sincere desire for the salvation and spiritual well-being of others. May you continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit as you carry out your ministry, bringing hope and transformation to many lives.
It’s also heartening to hear about his journey of inspiration, from his initial influence of Brother MR. Sumanth Kumar to his current connections with Church Pastor Alluri Satish Kumar, and international speakers like Prophet Bro. SR. Manohar. These relationships have further enriched his ministry and expanded his reach for the glory of God.
Praise the lord everyone it’s a joy to be able to meet you all, may the lord of peace be with you all.
I’m Bro. K. Kranthi Deep evangelist from Hyderabad serving the and building the kingdom of God, I got saved at the age of 16 when I was completely lost God with his unfailing love has visited me and fulfilled the word that says Psalm 34:8
O taste and see that the LORD is good. And I was repeated of my sins according to the word Romans 2:4 that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance. Which lead me to Christ Jesus. After I accepted Jesus as my personal saviour the lord has anointed me in the year 2001 oct 26th with his Holy Spirit. As God has filled me with his ability God has started to use me in ministry and from then on till today God has been faithful to me in his calling and helped me walk with him to build the kingdom of God and be a soul winner. In my walk with God God performed many miracles healings and delivered people and restored them back to love of God. Today I stand as a testimony of Gods great love and grace in my life. In this journey of mine with God there were many men of God who inspired me and encouraged me and guided me I would like this thank all of them who have helped me reach where I’m today. Yes there is so much more to achieve but my prayer is that together we will build the kingdom of God as you check in to this website I pray that the lord will touch you with his presence and you will be saved. Amen, May the lord of all comfort be with you all.
Brother M Philip Pramod from Hyderabad journey of faith andministry is truly inspiring by God Holy Spirit. Surrendering his life to Jesus at a young age and experiencing powerful encounters with the Lord has shaped his calling as a worshiper, preacher, and evangelist. His dedication to sharing the gospel and leading others to Christ has impacted many lives, especially among the youth. He went through many struggling in his life by the Grace of God has on his life saved him many times. Now he is living only for Jesus and doing wonderful ministry. And also working in a very good company.It’s remarkable to see how God has used him in various places, from his hometown in Hyderabad to other states in India His ministry of worship and preaching has brought about miracles, healings, and spiritual transformations, demonstrating the power of God’s love and compassion.As Philip continues to answer God’s call as a revivalist and evangelist, may his life and ministry continue to be a beacon of hope and transformation for those who are brokenhearted and in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ
It’s remarkable to see how God has used him in various places, from his hometown in Hyderabad to other states in India and even internationally in the UAE.
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